Thanks to the narrow detection area of the double sensor, there is no danger of a pinch point causing harm to the operator or allowing clogging from ice or dirt. 双传感器的检测区域足够狭窄,因而不会产生挤压点导致操作人员受伤,或冰块、灰尘形成的堵塞。
This paper proposes a method, which is based on heat transfer pinch point, for the selection of zeo-tropic mixtures to be used in the same work condition. 为了解决多种非共沸工质的优选问题,提出了一种基于传热窄点的分析方法。
In this paper, the pinch point zone in a multicomponent batch distillation process is studied, furthermore, the batch distillation process with a side withdrawal is developed based o. 本文主要进行了多组元分批精馏夹紧区的研究,在此基础上开发了带有侧线出料的分批精馏过程。
Distribution of Heat Transfer Pinch Point of Gas Cooler in CO_2 Inverse-cycle 二氧化碳逆循环中气体冷却器的传热窄点分布
The paper discusses the selecting principle of pinch point and approach temperature point which belongs to the HRSG ( heat recovery steam generator) of minitype combined gas-steam cycle. 论述小型燃气-蒸汽联合循环中,余热锅炉节点温差和接近点温差的选取原则。
Study on the Emission in a SI Engine with Secondary Air during Cold Start; Distribution of Heat Transfer Pinch Point of Gas Cooler in CO_2 Inverse-cycle 二次空气对汽油机冷起动过程排放影响的研究二氧化碳逆循环中气体冷却器的传热窄点分布
Excel's electronic schedule method in resolving pinch point in heat exchange network 求解换热网络夹点的Excel电子表格法
ANALYSIS OF ZEOTROPIC MIXTURES USED IN LOW TEMPERATURE SOLAR RANKINE CYCLE SYSTEM Identification of pinch point in countercurrent heat exchanger for zeotropic refrigerant mixtures 非共沸工质用于太阳能低温朗肯循环的理论研究非共沸制冷剂在逆流换热器中温度窄点出现的判别方法
A mother of the heat by looking at the situation, will be able to accurately figure out the best breeding period, even the morning and afternoon pinch point in time. 通过查看母獒的发情状况,便能准确地推算出配种的最佳时期,就连上午和下午的时间点都掐的特别准确。
A study has been conducted on the optimization of synthesis design with the aim of orienting the contemporary method of pinch point design to synthesis design based on optimized mathematical model. 对换热器系统的最优合成设计问题进行了探讨,其目的在于使当代的夹点设计试探法朝着优化数学模型的最优合成设计方向发展。
Study on energy conservation reform of coking divice with pinch point 焦化装置夹点技术节能改造研究
In this paper the pinch point technology was adopted to design a heat exchange network of the hydrogen producing plant in Daqing Petrochemical Company Refinery. 应用窄点技术对大庆石化分公司炼油厂制氢装置的换热网络做了换热优化方案设计;
By the use of the pinch point technique the all LTS heat exchange network is optimized in design, and the new network process obtained does not need external supply of steam. 利用夹点技术对全低变换热网络进行优化设计,得到的新网络流程不需要外供蒸汽。
Application of water pinch point technology to reduce water consumption and discharge 水夹点技术在节水减排中的应用
Pinch point analysis for complex rectifying columns 复杂精馏塔的夹点分析
The application of Pinch point technique in optimized extension design ofthe heat exchanging network of atmospheric-vacuum distillation is introduced in this Paper. 本文介绍将窄点技术用于常减压换热网络的扩建优化设计。
As the weak part of unit technologies in manufacturing, computer aided process planning-CAPP is vital in manufacturing information construction, and also a pinch point when integrated with other unit technologies. 计算机辅助工艺设计作为制造业单元技术中相对薄弱的环节,在制造业信息化建设过程中处于重要的地位,也是与各单元技术集成过程中的一个难点。
On the basis of analyzing theory foundation and thermodynamic principle, theory limitations of pinch point technology were put forth, corresponding causes explained, and solution methods offered. 在分析了夹点技术的理论基础和热力学原理的基础上,提出了夹点技术的理论局限性,及其相关的原因及克服办法。
Pinch Point Technique and Its Application in Kamyr Continuous Digester 夹点技术及其在卡米尔连续蒸煮设备中的应用
Based on this concept the optimal design variables can be solved by linear equations of heat balance of each pinch point segment. 基于此概念用各狭点区段的热平衡式构成线性方程组求解最优设计变量。
The pinch point means the minimum utility target. 并利用夹点匹配原则合成了新的氢气网络,实现最小氢气使用量的目标。
Pinch point design method for heat exchanger net 换热网络的夹点设计法
Use Pinch Point Analysis to Optimize Water System Design 应用夹点技术优化装置用水设计
Pinch point temperature difference in HRSG and its influence on performance of combined cycle 余热锅炉节点温差及其对联合循环性能的影响
At present, there are three main methods in optimum of the heat exchange network: heuristic method, pinch point technology, mathematical programming. 换热网络优化综合目前主要有3种方法:试探法,夹点技术,数学规划法。
The VLE data of the system are fitted to equilibrium curve equations by a least-square method with the selection of exponential function as a basis function, and then the pinch point and minimum reflux ratio are evaluated by the combination of equilibrium curve equation and corresponding equation. 通过选择指数函数为基函数,将物系的汽液平衡数据,用最小二乘法拟合成平衡曲线方程,再与相应的方程联立求解,从而求得挟点及最小回流比。
Based on the pinch point analysis, a methodology for the design of complex rectifying columns is presented. 通过对复杂精馏塔的设计过程进行分析,提出应用夹点技术进行复杂精馏塔设计的步骤,使工程设计人员在完成设计前掌握用能目标。
The Basic Principles of Design Method by Pinch Point 窄点设计法的基本原则
Analysis of energy-saving and optimizing design on the heat exchange network of crude oil of the north distillation workshop are made by utilizing the pinch point technology. 利用夹点技术对抚顺石化公司石油二厂北蒸馏车间原油换热网络进行了节能分析及优化设计。
This paper introduces pinch point analysis to analyze the NH3-H2O absorption refrigeration system. The method can recover maximum internal heat form the streams. 引入夹点分析法分析氨水吸收式制冷系统,利用该方法能够最大程度的回收系统内部循环热,从而提高了系统的性能系数。